
Andhra Pradesh & Maharashtra - Solar Energy Policies in Indian States

  Andhra Pradesh has a total Solar installed capacity of 4390.48 MW as of June 2022.   The total solar installed capacity of Maharashtra is 2753 MW as of August 2022.  Know about the solar power production in these two Indian states from the article of Distributed Energy .

Solar Policies in Indian States Karnataka and Telangana

Check the introduced solar policies in Indian states like, Karnataka and Telangana.  The Karnataka government is aiming to cover at least 20% of the state’s power production through Renewable energy projects. Telangana has introduced its Solar policy from 2016. It has a total solar energy capacity of 4520.48 MW as of March 2022. It ranks 5th in Solar power production in India. Read the full article on India's state wise solar policy on Medium. 

The impact of sustainable investing for the environment

Sustainable, responsible and impact investors are a force for positive change. This form of investing has helped to improve the environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices of companies all around the world, which both directly and indirectly, have benefited and continue to benefit countless individuals and communities. The impact of sustainable investing for the environment from DistributedEnergy   For more information, visit: .

Switch to Solar Investments with Distributed Energy

Choose Distributed Energy’s services to fund and commission your energy projects.   Meet your energy needs by paying lower tariff rates and benefit from a reliable power source. We will maintain and monitor the plant performance to ensure you get uninterrupted energy for your operations.  If you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint and transition to a cleaner and cheaper energy source, then switch to solar energy with Distributed Energy. To learn more about how you can become an energy customer with Distributed Energy, visit our site today -  

Insight about solar powered automative market

The global Solar-powered automotive market is expected to hit 329.5 Million USD by 2023 , with a registered CAGR of 43.4%. North America and Europe alone are responsible for over 77% of this market value. Now that these figures have your interest, let us dive a little further into what drives this industry and the impact it has on the planet. Read the full article about solar power automotive market on Medium.  

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

Investors around the globe are inclined to make investment decisions that generate both positive financial returns and social impact.   Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)   also known as social investment, green investing or ethical investing has become the new norm in the investing world.  Read the full article on here .

4 Ways renewable energy is saving the planet

  When most of us are spending a lot of time, money, and efforts to create the most comfortable and sustainable life at our homes, we fail to see the larger picture. All our technological progress is pointless if a part of it is not directed towards protecting the planet we live in. Much of the progress has actually come at the cost of the environment, and it’s high time we figure out how to reverse the adverse impact. Read the full article here on Medium .